Barbro Westerholm

Barbro Westerholm har synts en del i teve i helgen när man rapporterat från Folkpartiets kongress. Riksdagens äldsta ledamot, fortfarande stridbar. Nu visst för...

Hassan om Trump

“Like [Jim] Jones and other cult leaders, Trump exhibits features of what psychologist Erich Fromm called ‘malignant narcissism’—bombastic gra...

Mystiska upplevelser

“These experiences are sometimes associated with spirituality or religion, where they are typically described as ‘mystical experiences’. However, I think ...

Anette Nyman x 2

“Att lockas in i en manipulativ rörelse kan gå fort. Att ta sig ur den och förstå vad som egentligen hände kan däremot ta lång tid. Anette Nyman har ägnat...

How to Lose a Country

“One truth is that you cannot really know what populism is until you experience it. Populism is the act of politicising and mobilising ignorance to the po...