Och vad är skillnaden på en hoppfull, alternativtänkande person, med solsken i blick, och en grumpy, småparanoid misantrop, då?
Ungefär tretti, fyrtio år 😉
Här ska ni få ett exempel på riktigt svajig, dålig vetenskap. Ett citat jag stoppade i fickan för många år sen. Och har plockat fram många ggr sen dess. Av (håll i er!) en anonym skribent på en blogg som refererade personlig kommunikation med en icke namngiven forskare… Men vad spelar det för roll! När själva spaningen är som guld. På området där psykologi o (ny)andlighet överlappar…
”I suspect that what’s going on is that New Age, now entering its third generation, has developed a theodicy. Now, this is a theological term, but it essentially means an explanation of the existence of evil – why bad things happen to good people.
For some of those in the New Age milieu – Foster Gamble, David Icke, Whitley Strieber, Duncan Rhodes and others, all incidentally in middle age and with a long term involvement in the New Age milieu – an explanation is needed as to why, if we’ve entered the Age of Aquarius, is the world less peaceful, equal and progressive than ever? Conspiracy theories offer such a theodicy – the New Age hasn’t happened because evil people prevented it from happening.”
Muertos, 2012
Ett citat på samma tema. Här handlar det om sådan psykologi som pratar om ”upphöjda” tillstånd att eftersträva & uppnå… Paul Vitz, ur boken ”Psychology as Religion”, 1977:
”Second, as people aged, they realized that many of the things thought necessary for self-actualization would not be attainable in their lives. Besides interpersonal disasters, there were career failures, serious health problems, and many other disappointments. The discrepancy between the promised ’high’ of the Maslovian self-actualization or Jungian individuation and the reality of their lives created a vast disappointment and ’credibility gap.’ The belief that psychology could make you happy, that it was the answer, began to fade.”