Inte så mycket finns skrivet specifikt om new age/nyandlighet ur ett psykodynamiskt pespektiv. Efter Freuds holmgång med religionen för snart hundra år sedan tycks många vilja undvika ämnet. En som dock gett sig på att försöka beskriva denna moderna andlighet ur en freudiansk vinkel är Faber. I sin bok ”New Age Thinking” (1996) skriver han bl a:
”From the psychoanalytic angle, three items stand out clearly; first, we have an overarching presence of infantile omnipotence, the egocentric, unconscious belief in one’s unlimited powers […]; second, we have the urge to fuse regressively with the environment, to attach oneself to the surrounding world (universe) in a way that denies, erases, cancels out the ever-present sense of separation which the cronologically mature individual must cope with during the course of his days on the planet; third, we have a longing for narcissistic inflation, the longing to go about in the belief that one is somehow magical, wonderful […] as opposed to being simply another regular person in the world. (Faber)
Faber, M. D. (1996). New Age Thinking. A Psychoanalytic Critique. University of Ottawa Press.