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Att möta andliga entiteter med Ayahuasca

En forskarteam där professor Pehr Granqvist från Stockholms universitet (för övrigt en auktoritet inom området religionspsykologi, med fokus på nyare andlighet) ingår söker personer som under en drogtripp upplevt sig ha mött olika andliga eller religiösa ”entiteter”…

Vem har sagt att den akademiska forskningen behöver vara trist och grå?

”Have you ever experienced ayahuasca and met entities during these experiences who are usually unobservable?

Our new study, conducted with Esenia K. Cassidy (Psychedelic Humanities Lab, New School for Social Research) and Pehr Granqvist (Stockholm University) is exploring the relational dynamics and implications of these ayahuasca-related encounters. […]

To participate, one need to be 18 years old or older, speak and understand English well, have taken ayahuasca at least once in your life with a noticeable effect at the time, and have encountered usually unobservable entities (e.g., religious entities, spirits, people who passed away, etc.) during ayahuasca experiences.”



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