Moderatorer eller qualifiers
“An extensive body of empirical research has shown that religion and mental health are interconnected, in complex ways. The link is often positive but weak, though sometimes stronger, and occasionally negative. These apparent inconsistencies in research findings seem to depend on a few salient moderators (or qualifiers). First, aspects of religion matter a great deal. Second, aspects of mental health matter a great deal. Third, the contexts within which individuals find themselves matter a great deal. Attending to the moderators that make the difference might help us understand why mental health and religion are interconnected. Drawing on the religion-as-attachment model (Granqvist & Kirkpatrick, 2008, 2013; Kirkpatrick, 2005), I argue in this article that attachment theoretical considerations provide insights into why those particular moderators matter and thus contribute to understanding why mental health and religion are connected in the first place.”
Granqvist skriver om de aspekter av mental hälsa som har mest med “a safe haven to turn to and a secure base to depart from”