Spiritual emergency & psykiatrin

av Julia Sellers (Mad in America
February 14, 2020)

”[S]uch spiritual experiences may be accompanied by ’pathological’ symptoms such as hallucinations, odd behavior, depression, and/or odd thoughts. Therefore, individuals suffering from such symptoms may be misdiagnosed with mental illness. As Grof pointed out, spiritual and mystical experiences offer personal growth potential. They can trigger a powerful transformation and further personal development in individuals undergoing such experiences. Mislabeling them as pathological symptoms may be damaging to spiritual development as well as to the individual’s psychological and physiological well-being.”

Artikel om psykiska upplevelser som uppvisar många likheter med psykos etc, men kanske inte alltid är det. En fin översikt med referenser till många forskare på området. T ex Lukoff och kollegor som 1994 lyckades få med (om än nedbantad) diagnosen ”Religious or Spiritual Problem” i Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) IV.

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